Revue de réflexion politique et religieuse.

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Debate over the two her­me­neu­tics par Mgr Basil Meeking

Accor­ding to his ” her­me­neu­tic of conti­nui­ty”, Pope Bene­dict has insis­ted on the unin­ter­rup­ted connec­tion bet­ween Vati­can II and the Tra­di­tion, and the July, 2007 Res­ponses of the CDF sta­ted that the Council’s tea­ching did not change ear­lier doc­trine on the nature of the Church. How could we explain the fact that such a recall has been une­qual­ly recei­ved and regar­ded as a fla­sh­back to a rejec­ted doc­trine of the past ?

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